Oct 7, 2024



After starting off entry level 14 years ago, Mick Lynch has accomplished quite a lot during his tenure at POWER. 

He’s worked alongside our co-CEO and Chief Production Officer to create, implement, and manage POWER’s current Delivery vertical, played an instrumental part in the build-out of POWER’s Craftsmanship program, and that’s just scratching the surface.

We caught up with Mick to hear more about his early start in construction, and his journey to becoming the first executive vice president in POWER’s history.

Fast Facts

Hobby: Golf

Bucket list: Travel to Australia and hit some iconic surf spots.

Favorite movie: The Sandlot was my favorite from my childhood. The Town is my favorite of adulthood — that’s always one I’m going to watch if it’s on TV. 

Favorite sports team: Philadelphia Eagles 

Go-to candy: Reeses Pieces or the Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Biggest fear: Snakes scare me, if I’m being honest.

Favorite destination: The Amalfi Coast in Italy

Walk up song: Anything Eminem gets me fired up.

Cups of coffee consumed per day: Too many…my average is three cups. 

Building His Way

Growing up in construction… all started with my dad. He worked for a very large homebuilder as a land acquisition engineer. He really enjoyed it, but his passion was for the hands-on aspect of the trades — so, he went and opened up a home remodeling company. He focused on 1-2 new construction builds for single family residential homes, and additional projects like one-off kitchens or baths. He did it all, he didn’t just manage the work. By doing those projects with him, I was able to learn such a wide range of knowledge about networking, sub contractors, eco friendly building practices, green building, you name it. 

My first construction project I ever completed was… a full home build for my parents.  

Watching my dad own his own business… taught me how to work with people, and organize complicated projects into linear and logical workflows. That’s what I fell in love with from the jump. It gave me this real responsibility early on with decision making authority, and gave me the confidence to do a lot of the stuff I’ve accomplished so far in my career. 

POWER was supposed to be… a pitstop. I was referred here by my brother, and I had all intentions of going back to my family’s business after learning the parts of home remodeling POWER could teach me. Plot twist — I’m still here 14 years later.

Delivering on Service

A typical work day… revolves around whatever is the biggest project or issue we have going on within Delivery or the business at large.

The new EVP leadership level… goes hand-in-hand with our growth business strategy. If we don’t grow the organizational structure and we don’t allow for people who are ready to move into new roles, we create a ceiling. There will be a lot more EVPs in time. 

The different verticals within Delivery are… Project Services: everything from when a homeowner says yes, to the day their installation starts; Install Services: the day the installation starts through completion, including any warranty service needs down the line; and Supply Chain: what materials are needed, making sure they’re correct, and on-site on time.

POWER’s Craftsmanship program… is architecting what the installation experience should look like.The interesting thing about our industry is that the core of business practices are centered around doing replacement contracting — it’s generally not centered around craftsmanship expertise or what is needed to provide homeowners with a perfect installation. We’re one of the largest home remodelers in the country, and we see that gap as a big opportunity.

The one thing in Delivery we have to get right is… taking the entire front end of our business, and pairing it with truly great installation expertise and customer service. This is what is going to allow us to level up. This specific area is what our Dan Price Craftsmanship Academy is working to set a new standard in.

My proudest POWER accomplishment… is every VP or SVP that has been promoted under my mentorship. All the other stuff is great, but seeing people you’ve guided along the way step into roles they deserve is the best.

Working at the same company for this long… made me realize I’m working to work, not working to retire.What I mean by that is, I’m enjoying what I’m doing. There’s always something we’re trying to conquer that’s new and different. We’ve invested in a lot of horizontal hires and so many good people have come in with external experience that I can learn from. POWER is a business where I’ve been able to grow, and I haven’t outgrown it.

Expert Insights

In order for a homeowner to have a good experience… our process needs to be as easy as possible. From front to back, it has to be incredibly clean. That’s why we focus on speed, precision, and care. 

Mentorship… has shaped my whole life. It’s the way I grew up, and in general, it’s what POWER has been built around. When you connect with someone at whatever level, pay it forward. If you see talent in somebody, go a little harder to see if a mentorship path could continue and flourish. Look out for someone else’s best interest. Everyone has something good to offer.

Relocating for work… is a big part of why I’ve been able to do what I’ve done so far at POWER. I’ve worked out of three uniquely different offices for years — not just short stints. That shaped my understanding of how things could function differently inside of each territory, but yet remain consistent and successful across the organization. It also gave me this instant community of 30+ people to tap into and hang out with, which made moving a lot more palatable. 

Navigating through COVID… was the biggest real-time business lesson I’ll probably ever get.We needed to take a billion dollar beast that was going full steam ahead, and safely shut it down. Once we successfully did that, we were heads-down in the priority projects we knew we needed to do, but never had the time or bandwidth to execute on. When we turned the business back on, then we had to figure out the right way to train our people on all these things we tweaked and changed. For our business, it transformed how we operate. We came out healthier and more balanced than we had ever been.

The best advice I ever received… is that no one works for you, you work with people. My dad said that to me back in the day. It keeps my head on right.

A piece of advice I’d give my younger self is… to go to bed earlier, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

The Person Behind the Title

My morning routine starts with… a 5:15/5:30am wake up. I drink some coffee, check email and the install schedule, and send out a daily report. From there, I hit the gym, head to the office or wherever I’m needed, and then it’s on with the day.

Being a dad is… the best thing ever. It’s exhausting, but it’s the coolest thing I’m ever going to do. To see this tiny person that’s a little bit of both you and your partner, and watch them grow — it all happens so quick.

I’m most inspired by… first and foremost — my wife, Jillian, and my son, Cashel. Professionally, it’s the VPs across the business. If I’m tired or have those low motivation days, I know they are all doing their part — so, I have to show up and do my part too.

If I won the lottery, I’d… travel for an undisclosed period of time and go totally off the grid. No one would know where to find me. 

From watching me find success, I hope my son takes away… how to be a genuinely good, positive person, and how to help people. 

My dream Quest lineup, dead or alive is… Johnny Cash; bring him back from the dead and just let him rip up there! Definitely Zac Brown Band. We’d also need some 90’s Alternative Rock, so the Red Hot Chili Peppers should have a slot.

The best jokester in the c-suite is… I mean, I hate to do it, but I have to go with J.D. — it’s hard not to.

One word to describe POWER’s culture… fun. 

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