Nov 6, 2023
Power’s InspirASIAN Employee Resource Group Celebrates AAPI Month Through ‘Emerge’ Event

Employees belonging to Power’s Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group (ERG) celebrated this community’s vibrant and diverse culture through their annual event with food, music, community work, and more.
InspiraASIAN, Power’s employee resource group dedicated to the Asian and Pacific Islander communities, unveiled a new event of immersive experiences and insightful dialogues at the inaugural Emerge event. This celebration took over Washington D.C. for three days this Spring, with the mission to unite, empower, and uplift the diverse Asian and Pacific Islander voices within Power.
Curious about what all that means? Read on.

Day One: A Shared Heritage
Day one served as a warm welcome to participants who travelled from various Power territories. A thoughtfully assembled gift bag containing childhood Asian snacks, a heartwarming welcome letter, and an “Emerge” Cookbook filled with culturally-representative recipes submitted by the participants themselves, surprised the attendees.

The group toured DC’s national monuments, taking photos in traditional dress. A surprise dumpling making class added to the richness of the day, allowing everyone to exchange culinary skills and shared experiences. The kitchen was decorated with family photos which provided an emotional connection to their roots.
Day Two: Reliving Childhood
The biggest surprise of the event? The Squid Olympics Games! Attendees were escorted to a secret location for a nostalgic journey back to their favorite contests from childhood. Participants were divided into teams and competed in traditional games from Korea, India, and Taiwan, promoting camaraderie and shared learning.

The laughter and rivalry didn’t end there—a Bollywood dance lesson was a fitting finale.
Afterwards, attendees cooled down under the shade for a breakout discussion session, discussing their backgrounds, aspirations, and takeaways from the event. These heartfelt exchanges cultivated genuine bonds among participants, creating a sense of belonging and solidarity.

Day Three: Building Community
Day three started with a volunteering opportunity at Arboretum Recreation Garden. An embodiment of the group’s shared commitment to the environment and community service, InspirASIAN members helped plant herbs and veggies that will help feed the community.

The group later visited the Asian American Centennial event at the National Museum of Asian Art, a feast for both the eyes and the palate with its stunning architecture and a variety of dishes from Asian-owned food vendors.
An indoor picnic and a concert featuring Raveena and Eric Nam added to the celebrations. The day culminated with an exhilarating karaoke session, letting participants unwind and sing their hearts out, creating lasting memories of their shared experience.

A Legacy of Empowerment and Belonging
The experience left attendees with more than just memories; it instilled a profound sense of pride in their roots and a reinforced belief in the power of their voices. It encapsulated a clear message: Emerge and make your presence known, for your cultures are celebrated, your voices are crucial, and your contributions are invaluable.
Power’s Culture Photographer, Kristina Gorman, said it best:
“I’m half-Asian but was adopted by White parents. I grew up in a predominantly White neighborhood, so I didn’t have a lot of friends who looked like me. I felt too White to be Asian and too Asian to be White. During the Emerge event, we had breakouts sessions which provided a time to just talk to one another in a more intimate and comfortable environment. I had never really talked about my Asian experience with anyone until this day. There was almost this unspoken understanding and openness from everyone. For the first time, I felt like people shared my experiences. I immediately felt closer to these people, even those that weren’t Asian who were allies just trying to get to know us better, like our Chief Production Officer, Rob Borislow. It was really cool to interact with him on this level and feel like he got to know me outside of who I am at work. Being a part of this event and this community at Power has made me feel more seen, heard, and accepted.”

If you’re looking for a place of work that fosters belonging for all, check out Power’s open career opportunities.
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